
Add Private Event

Create private events – you can reserve an amenity location for things like resident parties, seminars and other functions that are not open to the general community
Add Private Event

Add Event Name

1. Add Event Name
Insert name of the event here.

Add Event Description

2. Add Event Description
Enter event description. Explain the purpose of the private event and provide any additional details.

Add Administrative Notes

3. Add Administrative Notes
Text entered into this field will be visible only to community administrators.

Choose Date and Time

4. Choose Date and Time
Check box if the event is an all day event or specify the date and start time and end time.

Add Additional Time

5. Add Additional Time
Add extra time needed for set up and clean up for the event.

Choose Amenity Location

6. Choose Amenity Location
Pick the location or room for the event. The system automatically removes any amenity locations already booked for the specified date and time.
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