  • Amenities
  • Reserve an Amenity Location for Private Events

Reserve an Amenity Location for Private Events

Click Reserve an Amenity on the Amenities link in your Lifestyle menu. Fill out the form to reserve a room and create a private event for birthday parties, anniversary celebrations, etc.
Reserve an Amenity Location for Private Events

Add Event Title

1. Add Event Title
Enter the name of the event, for example Gil and Jane Cortez Anniversary Party.

Add an Event Description

2. Add an Event Description
Explain the purpose of your private event and provide any additional details.

Enter Event Start and End Date and Time

3. Enter Event Start and End Date and Time
Add the date of your event and the start and end time.

Add Extra Time

4. Add Extra Time
Add any addition time you need to set up before or clean up after your event.

Choose Amenity Location

5. Choose Amenity Location
Select which community  location or room you would like to hold your event.
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