
Create Group News

Create a News item to publish to your group. It will appear on the group homepage and a notification will be sent out via email and SMS text message.
Create Group News

Add a Title

1. Add a Title
Enter the name of the News item.

Add Body of News item.

2. Add Body of News item.
Add the text of your News item. You can also include a custom Summary that will appear with the News item or leave the Summary blank to use trimmed section of full text as the summary; typically the first sentence of text is displayed.

Notification Options

3. Notification Options
By default, a notification will be sent via email and SMS text when this content is created or approved. Uncheck this box if you do not want notifications sent.

Publishing Options

4. Publishing Options
Check this box if you would like to make your News item sticky. It will always appear at the top of the News feed.
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